বৃহস্পতিবার ১৯ সেপ্টেম্বর ২০২৪

সম্পূর্ণ খবর

দেশ | Nirmala Sitharaman presents Budget 2024; job creation, women, farmers topmost priority

Porni Banerjee | ০১ ফেব্রুয়ারী ২০২৪ ০৭ : ০২Porni Banerjee

Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman has begun presenting the Union Budget 2024 in the Parliament on Thursday (February 1). This is the interim budget presented just ahead of the Lok Sabha elections.

During its presentation, FM Sitharaman said that the government’s highest priority lies in uplifting the poor, supporting farmers, employment generation for the youth and empowerment of women.

Here are the updates from this year’s Budget as highlighted by FM Sitharaman:

FM stressed on the construction of 2 crore more houses under PM Awas Yojana in the next 5 years. The government is close to achieving the target of three crore houses.

No need to pay tax by professionals earning below Rs 7 lakhs per annum.

Government has plans to bolster tourism in Lakshadweep.

Economic corridors connecting India with Gulf and European countries will be developed.

38 lakh farmers have benefited from the Prime Minister’s ‘Kisan Samad Yojana.’

Revised fiscal deficit is estimated at 5.8 percent of GDP.

The government will form a robust committee to address the concerns of rapid population growth and demographic change.

The government will also encourage girls aged between 9-14 to get vaccinated to prevent cervical cancer.

40,000 ordinary railway compartments will be converted to Vande Bharat standards to enhance safe and convenient journeys.

The government is focusing on implementing electric vehicles for the ease of public transport to bring down severe pollution levels. This will position India at the forefront of green revolution.

Exports will be doubled to Rs 1 lakh crore, which will generate 5 lakh new jobs.

STEM courses (science, technology, engineering and mathematics) witnessed a rise in its enrolment of women by 43 percent.

The government will launch a scheme for middle class population to provide them with affordable housing facilities to help those living in slums or rented houses.

One crore household will receive 300 units of free electricity every month under Rooftop solar scheme. As a result, families can save Rs 15,000 to 18,000 per month.

The Centre’s initiative – Skill India Mission has trained and upskilled 1.4 crore youth in the country.

A new India is born and navigating its way after Covid-19 pandemic caused crisis in food fertilizer, fuel, and economy.

Women’s enrolment in higher education has gone up by 28 percent in the last 10 years.

The government has targeted to uphold social justice and secularism for all.

Sitharaman has also mentioned that the average real income has increased by 50 percent.

The government has started working on making India Vikasit Bharat by 2047.

80 crore people have been covered with the provision of free ration services.

Indian economy witnessed huge transformation in the last ten years. There will also be a fabulous growth in the country’s economic structure.

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02 24